Welcome to B'zz Honey
At the end of 2019 I came to a crossroad. After spending two years at a high profile, “Office Job” and nearly dying during labor. I was no longer motivated to do anything in life that didn't fulfill my soul in some way. And being an Office of Automation Clerk would not suffice. But how was I to provide for my family and self? In the past, I was a FreeLance Cosmetologist. A demanding career that would leave little time for family and self.
On my journey of healing and discovery came COVID! In a way I thank COVID because it expedited my process. You know, being on house arrest with the country helps you reconnect with parts of yourself you forgot about. Take a trip to inner space…
I’ve always been in LOVE with color. It stimulates all your senses and you can create different experiences based on colors you combine. Something like Color Therapy. Sooo, how could I create revenue from this? I always wanted to learn the craft of Wig Construction and I’m great at creating color pallets and dying hair. Bam!! I can start making low grade wigs that emphasize on color and sell them for a reasonable price online and see how they produce. They sold out in a reasonable time.
Trip to LA to find a hair and accessories vendor. Now the goal was to provide the same service, but with higher grade hair. Cut out the middleman and launch my own business and site. My trip was a success and here I am. Making Wigs, Bucket Hats and Shirts. Doing one of the things I LOVE… Peace and Blessing
- Sabrina Stewart